Online Booking

Carefree / Premium annual cancellation & travel insurance cover

  1. Travel data
  2. Offer
  3. Your Data
  4. Check
  5. Confirmation

Travel data

When is your insurance cover to commence?

If you have selected an insurance cover start date which is in the future, please note that your travel cancellation insurance will begin only on this date!

The travel insurance cover will begin after payment of the premium for all trips which you book after the contract is entered into. For trips already booked, the insurance cover in the travel cancellation insurance begins from the 10th day after the execution of the insurance contract (“grace period”), provided the contract execution does not take place within three working days (Monday – Saturday) after the trip has been booked (booking date + three working days).

Who is travelling?

A family is deemed to be a maximum of two adults and accompanying children under the age of 25 (up to the 25th birthday) – irrespective of the family relationship and up to seven persons in total.

Which tariff would you like?
When do I select individual person?

Take out an individual policy if you often travel by yourself.

When do I select family?

Opt for the low-cost family rate if you are resident in Austria and are

  • a couple without children,
  • a couple with a child or children (under 25 years of age),
  • an adult with a child or children (under 25 years of age),
  • up to a total of seven persons.

If a family member travels alone, the sum insured is 50% of the agreed family insurance rate.

How much does your trip cost?

Please give here all price components including all charges.

€ per person per trip
€ per family per trip