Online Booking

Young Travel - Carefree and Premium travel insurance cover for young people for stays abroad in Austria

  1. Travel data
  2. Offer
  3. Your Data
  4. Check
  5. Confirmation

Travel data

When does your stay begin and end?

The maximum insured period for this policy is 364 days.

You must make your application to conclude an insurance policy prior to travelling to Austria for the entire duration of your stay.

The maximum period of insurance cover also applies with regard to similar types of insurance contracts which were previously not offered by HanseMerkur.

  • Date of arrival in the country: the date on which you initially arrived in Austria
  • Insurance cover start date: (must be the same as the date of arrival in the country)
  • Insurance cover end date / date of departure: date on which you leave Austria again. The date of departure is the same as the insurance cover end date.

Who is to be insured?

Who is eligible for insurance cover?

Individuals under the age of 39 at the time the contract is entered into and who are staying in Austria temporarily.
