Tariff comparison

BenefitsCar, train, busCancellation- & Travel protection Carefree

Travel cancellation insurance

Cancellation costs in case of not appearing the trip; According to the selected travel price; extra travel costs; rebooking up to max. € 30 per person up to 42 days before departure; rebooking up to max. to the amount of cancellation costs for other insured events; No deductible

Travel interruption careless 

Unused travel services; reimbursement of total travel price

Extra-Return journey careless

Afterward travel costs in case of interruption of travel, additional accommodation and return travel costs

Delay protection careless 

Transfer protection

Reimbursement of deductible careless 

Luggage insurance careless 

Travel accident insurance careless

In the event of death and invalidity

For salvage costs

€ 5.000 

Personal assistance

Travel health insurance 

Travel liability insurance

Report a claim